Proverbs 1:33
King James Version
33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me
shall dwell safely,
and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
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How do we revive churches?
Find out, from these links:
"To the Preacher" - The Idolatry of Intelligence, by Leonard Ravenhill
A Nation Begging for Destruction, Part 1
A Nation Begging for Destruction, Part 2
50 Reasons We Are in the End Times
This Concerns Me the Most | Episode #1162 | Perry Stone
Laws that Govern the Lord's Return | Episode #1161 | Perry Stone
7 Reasons Asbury was not a Revival | Doug Batchelor
Revival: God's Warning to the Nations | Perry Stone
Modern Day Apostasy posing as Revival Part 1 - Dave Hunt
Modern Day Apostasy posing as Revival Part 2 - Dave Hunt
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